In the first chapter of St. Luke's gospel, we read about the angel "standing on the right side of the altar of incense". A few verses later, the angel says, "I am Gabriel." This came to my mind at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday evening, January 28th. Every Thursday, we had Exposition after the 7:30 Mass, ten hours of adoration, and benediction at six p.m. On this particular Thursday, our oblate Gabriel was the thurifer. When he came into the chapel with the thurible (having prepared it outside), there was what I called in my journal, "a legitimate fire" going in it. When Canon Sigros lifted the top to add the incense, a coal or two fell out, nearly singeing the vestments. The impressive amounts of smoke still lingered several hours later, despite the open windows. It was something to behold. I think the Archangel Gabriel would have been impressed. Maybe he was there. The next day was the feast of St. Francis de Sales, a patron of the ...
My Five Joyful Months at the Mission Ste. Therese de l'Enfant Jesus